Wu Wang | 無忘 | Japanese version by Kitkit Lu

It’s an ending song of an animation. The melody was good, there was a Japanese version song on YouTube and I used it to learn some vocabulary in Japanese. It’s fun to be able to read Japanese kanji and to write furigana.

Break down

燕が行き 帰路知らず

琴を 鳴らせ 思い募る



1. 燕(つばめ) : swallow

2. 行き(ゆき) : departs

3. 帰路 (きろ) : a way back

4. 知らず(しらず) : not knowing

5. 琴 (こと): a traditional Japanese stringed instrument, similar to a zither

6. 鳴らす (ならす) : to play, to make a sound

7. 思い(おもい) :feelings or thoughts

8. 募る (つのる): to intensify, to grow stronger

9. 誰(たれ) :who

10. 嘆き (なげき): lamentation, grief, sorrow, a heartfelt sigh over something sad, regrettable or mounful.

11. 離合集散 (りごうすしゆうさん): a term to describe cycles of meeting and parting or vicissitudes of life

12. 昔(むかし) : the past or long ago

13. 変える(かえる) :change // 変えられない : can not be changed

山の下で 独酌をする


誰が 笛を響かせて


1. 山 (やま):mountain

2. の : of

3. 下(した) : beneath

4. で : at

5. 独酌(とくしゃく) : drinking alone, solitary drinking

6. する : to do

7. 悠々(ゆうゆう) :leisurely or unhurriedly

8. 桃源(とうげん) :peach blossom paradise

9. 巡る(めぐる) : to wander or go around

10. 誰 (たれ): who

11. 笛 (ふえ):flute

12. 響かせて (ひびかせて): to make echo, to make resound // 響く : to echo, to resound

13. 過ぎる (すぎる): to pass, to exceed // 過ぎし : archaic past tense of 過ぎる. In modern Japanese, it’s 過ぎた

14. 日(ひ) : day

15. 戻れない(もどれない) : can not return // 戻る : to return

忘れないで 探したこと

山川を越え 日が暮れ



1. 忘れないで(わすれない) : please don’t forget // 忘れる : forget

2. 探したこと (さがしたこと): what I sought // 探す : to look for

3. 山川(さんせん) : mountains and rivers

4. 越える(こえる) : to cross, to surpass

5. 日 (ひ): sun

6. 暮れる (くれる): a day pass, sun goes down

7. 暗い (くらい) : dim, not bright

8. 灯り (あかり): light, lamp

9. に : in/at

10. 見える : can see // 見る : to see

11. かける : an auxiliary verb that indicates the action was about to happen

12. 面影 (おもかげ): a familiar trace or a vestige

13. 胸 (むね): heart, mind

14. 騒ぐ (さわぐ) : to make a noise, to be noisy





1. 艱難 (かんなん) : adversity, hardship, trial and tribulation

2. 乗る (のる) : to ride, to get on

3. 越える (こえる) : to cross over, to surpass

4. 白衣 (はくい): white robe

5. 烏衣 (うい): black robe

6. 映る (つる) : reflect

7. 夕暮れ (ゆうぐれ) : at the dusk

8. 伸びやか (のびやか): gracefully or elegantly

9. 眺めて (ながめて) : 眺める : to gaze





1. 燕が行き帰路知らず : A swallow departs not knowing the way back

2. 帰る(かえる) 時(とき)はいつになる : When would be the time to come back

3. 誰が(だれが) 嘆き(なげき) 離合集散(りごうしゅうさん) who laments the meeting and separation of life

4. 一時(ひととき)でも会いたい(あいたい) : Even for once, I want to meet you





1. 子(こ) : little, small

2. 舟(ぶね) : boat

3. から : from

4. 月(つき) : moon

5. めでる : to admire, to appreciate

6. 悠々(ゆうゆう) : leisurely

7. 桃源 (とうげん) : peach blossom paradise

8. 巡る (めぐる) : to wander

9. 輪廻(りんね) : the cycle of birth, death and rebirth

10. もう : no longer, not anymore

11. 構う(かまう) : to relate, to deal with

12. 過ぎる(すぎる) : to pass, to expire, to surpass

13. 日(ひ) : day

14. 戻れない (もどえない) : can not return

忘れないで 探したこと




1. 忘れないで(わすれないで) : please don’t forget

2. 探したこと( さがしたこと) : What I searched for

3. 山川を越え(さんせん) : Crossing the mountains and rivers

4. 日が暮れ (ひがくれ) : A day passes

5. 暗い(くらい) 灯り(あかり)に : In the dimming light

6. 見えかけた面影に(みえかけたおもかげに) : I may be seeing a familiar figure

7. 胸(むね) : heart, mind

8. 騒つく・騒ぐ (さわつく) : to be noisy, not be in peace





1. 寄り添う(よりそう) : to be together, to be close

2. 二人は今 (ふたりわいま) : now the two people

3. 琴と笛を奏でる(こととふえおかなでる) : playing koto and flute

4. いつまでも : forever and always

5. 君だけを : only you

6. 見つめたい : I want to see you

Translation of my own :

Swallows fly away not knowing the way back

Playing koto, feelings grow

Who laments the coming and going of life

The past can not be changed

Drinking alone under the mountain

Leisurely walking around the peach blossom paradise

Who makes the flute echo

Days gone by can not return

Please don’t forget what I was looking for

A day fades while I travel across the mountains and rivers

In the dim light, glimpses of a familiar face

Stirring emotions in my heart

Going through adversity

White robe reflects those of crow black

Stretched out, gazing at the twilight,


Swallows fly away not knowing the way back

When would be the time to go back

Who laments the coming and going of life

Even for once I wish to meet you

Beautiful moon I look at from my small boat

Leisurely walking around the peach blossom paradise

The loop of reincarnation no longer concerns me

Days gone by can not returned

Please don’t forget what I was looking for

A day fades while I travel across the mountains and rivers

In the dim light, glimpses of a familiar face

Stirring emotions in my heart

The two close together now

Playing the koto and flute

Forever and ever

I want to be gazing at you only

Please don’t forget what I was looking for

A day fades while I travel across the mountains and rivers

In the dim light, glimpses of a familiar face

Stirring emotions in my heart

The two close together now

Playing the koto and flute

Forever and ever

I want to be gazing at you only

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